In a great America, people would learn from the "Yes, and..." of theater improv, and look for ways to make something work, rather than come up with all the reasons why it won't.
In a great America, difference would be welcomed rather than feared.
In a great America, regulation would not only prevent bad things from happening, but also make it more likely that good things will happen.
In a great America, truth would travel farther and speak more loudly than lies.
In a great America, freedom would come with responsibility.
In a great America, people would direct as much skepticism inward as outward.
In a great America, people would direct as much skepticism inward as outward.
In a great America, we'd be producers first, consumers second.
In a great America, we'd be allowed to collectively solve the problems we collectively create.
In a great America, future consequence would matter.
In a great America, people would care as much about public space as private space.
In a great America, all packaging would be universally recyclable.
In a great America, people would try to repair things rather than just throw them out at the first sign of imperfection.
In a great America, future consequence would matter.
In a great America, people would care as much about public space as private space.
In a great America, all packaging would be universally recyclable.
In a great America, people would try to repair things rather than just throw them out at the first sign of imperfection.
In a great America, we'd work with nature, and give back to nature as much as we take.
In a great America, all sports would celebrate athleticism and teamwork, rather than the capacity to inflict pain on others.
In a great America, people would find the mate they want, rather than the mate they want to change.
In a great America, men would feel permitted to be empathetic and women to be emphatic.
In a great America, men would listen, and ask for directions.
In a great America, people would be comfortable in their skins, and wear themselves rather than their inhibitions.
In a great America, the good that people do would get as much attention as the bad they do.
In a great America, God would not be used to rationalize horrific acts, or to rationalize inaction.
In a great America, those who believe in God would acknowledge that evolution is the way God creates.
In a great America, people would take what's best from religious texts, and leave what's worst.
In a great America, quality of life would matter as much as quantity.
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